This is a page about weddings in Mauritius:
What Page Attributes should I set ?
- Parent
- Template (These need customising to our installation to make it easy)
Parent & Template
1. If you just want a plain page then select No Parent and additional page
2. If the page is an activity, featured destination of theme. then select Browse by theme, activity or featured destination as the parent and dynamic page as the template
How (and where) is it possible to set the header image for the page ?
Header images are set in featured image. Upload to image size – 912 x 295
What are the default Image sizes for the page. (The image I looked at had the following dimensions set)
- Thumbnail – 150×150
- Medium – 106 x 160
- Large – 940 x 962
- Full Size – As uploaded 2604 x 3914
Why is a “Medium” smaller than a thumbnail ? And why is there no “Small” set-up
These are the defaults within WordPress the header image size is 912 x 295
Which Dimension is set ? The Long Edge or short edge ? Or ?
Answered above
The “Use as Featured Image” does not work on the Default Template (or any other template) – Huge (original size) image is displayed
Answered above
Use as Home page Image doesn’t work. Is this the same as Q2 above ?
Homepage image only used if page is a
How can we set up the page / menu / navigation structure for this type of page
Suckerfish style menus on left ? With nesting ?
Yoast SEO – Breadcrumb Logic in the page template (Q1 above)